Jul 11, 2008

Stephen Hawking reading wikipedia out for you

Back in the not-so-old days, Dr. Sbaitso would be the digital home psychiatrist brought to you by a soundcard developer, ie. the computer would speak with you in this annoying weirdo-tone digital voice.

While searching for a mobile wikipedia, I stumbled on a website that will... take a deep breath... read wikipedia articles for you and save them in MP3 for later appreciation.

This is GREAT, I always wanted to have the most trusted source of biased information read out to me in a digital voice. It's truly, a dream come true...

Pediaphon - the link

I can see so many applications for this, hearing about my favorite musicians while jogging, learning more details about salmonella while cooking or even getting hints about contraception while at home with my girlfriend...


PS: Jokes apart, the project is an interesting e- and m-learning tool

PPS: I do use a mobile wikipedia, it's always handy to get that little piece of information EVERYONE is wondering about... but I stopped reading articles out loud to people as I had to pay them coffee to keep them awake while holding their arm so they would not leave...


lauren said...

this is SOOOOOOO cool!! i might have to repost!!!

i am SUCH a wiki geek!


Paulo Carrasco said...

The idea is nice but(there's always a but!)... it makes your head ache if you listen more than 10 seconds of a MP3 wikipedia article converted by this website. Nothing better than having a robot reading all the text literally (with all the slashes and punctuations)in english with a german accent. Nice! :D has I said: good idea but needs a little bit more work into it! :D