Jul 18, 2008

Ordnung muss sein

This is one of the stereotypical characteristics about Germans - There must be order.
I believe it's actually one of the few ones that is really true.

I have been on a multi-flanked clean-up endeavour myself!
  • It started with my music collection (ouch, ouch, ouch...)! It's all fine and dandy to rip my CDs into my MP3 collection, but the TAG consistency is not always the best. XBMC sometimes does not correctly read the data... V1 and V2 are not the same, etc... this is where MediaMonkey comes into play, my new favorite order and consistency enforcer! Thanks to Paulo for being so nagging about this software. It really made my collection easier to sift through (after some serious long and hard-working hours) ;
  • Lifehacker is a website always proposing new and innovative software (or tricks) to accomplish stuff. I am FED UP with the amount of software to do all those little things, a vain attempt to organize a life behind a screen (and an increasing hassle to maintain all that softwar). I reckon that only some of the things are useful, I am thus cleaning up the computer and starting to use only the BARE necessary stuff and even then, look for the best online solutions, meaning, I avoid using software installations. Some good examples are Google Reader, MindMeister, Google Notebook... all of which with some little tweaks in Firefox (which has been updated to 3.0.1) do make online life easier;
  • not to mention my whole flat, as I am putting everything in 1 room and will start deciding (once again) what to discard, give away or sell;

Speaking of tidyness...
... Couchsurfing just got some improvements:
  • only 3 types of feedback now: Positive, Neutral or Negative - much easier to decide now;
  • profile pages show obtained and given references side-by-side - REALLY COOL;
... here's the related news flash - link

I am done with today's tidying up. Time to go outside and get some air, come back, practice some more on my guitar, think about which simple recipe to cook for dinner and eventually go out at night for this weekend's Munich 850 birthday celebrations with some live shows.
