Nov 27, 2008

it's cold outside. the bed is comfy and my laptop is warm.

When TV shows are just not enough.

When there is no interesting movie to watch.

When no one is distracting me in bed.

When there is no patience for youtube.

There are simple games to keep a member of the cyber-mankind entertained at night.


Nov 19, 2008

beeps and blips

- .... . .-. .- -.. .. --- ... .. .-.. . -. -.-. . .--- ..- ... - -- . .- -. ... - .... .- - - .... . .-. . .... .- ... -... . . -. - --- --- -- ..- -.-. .... --- ..-. .-- .... .- - .. -.. --- -. .----. - .-- .- -. - - --- .-- .-. .. - . .- -... --- ..- - .- -. -.. - --- --- .-.. .. - - .-.. . --- ..-. .-- .... .- - .. ...- .- .-.. ..- . - --- -.. . ... . .-. ...- . .- .--. .-.. .- -.-. . .... . .-. . .-.-.-


Nov 9, 2008


Ach so, they are called Calacas! I always wanted a papier-maché doll like that (one more item to pack for my next and still unplanned move, sigh...)

Today, entertainment was the word of the day. I had a blast at my first Wii session (and totally kicked ass at golf). Then, I stumbled on ScummVM just to notice that there is a MacOSX version.
How important can that be? Just enough to revive my joy at playing Gobliiins on a friend's Mac (I downloaded it later myselft once back at home), one of the many old-school PC Games available as abandonware. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, how great that game was!
