Aug 4, 2008

Mediamonkey, baby! You're not THAT expensive'!

New laptop (woohoo, Dual-Core 2.2GHz), new OS (Vista 64'f-in bits), new Mediamonkey installation.

Time to go up there and download it again. Now wait, what is this Trialpay?

Oh yes, instead of having to pay 19.95USD for a full MM License, I can get a partner service/product and they will "pay" for my license. I wasn't thinking of getting any of the offers until I noticed that VistaPrint is a partner.

So, after a couple of clicks to design myself a new visit-card and accepting to pay 7EUR for shipment, 250 brand new cards will soon be at my doorstep and I get a fully functional MM license!


[ UPDATE1: It's Windows only ]