Jan 6, 2008

party in the doof

Here's a new word, doof.
More than a word, it's something I attended, helped build and even danced at. So please show some respect:)
When we got back to Perth, I accepted to join the setup of this doof that was about to be held somewhere in the woods by this crew of cool guys. At least one of the organizers is a CSer and his guests usually join in (to help and enjoy) for such events.
I was definitely willing to help. I just needed to crash that night at their place and help out the next day. All was going so well, the kids were having their drugs, preparing their sets for the party and I had to decide to go to the kitchen!!! (neat-freak someone?) That place was a f**** dump. In order to cook something for us in the microwave, we had to clean a good amount of stuff and I, in my never-ending will to retribute for the hospitality, did the dishes. One of them in particular, a broken glass submerged in the sink water, decided to bite me hard. H ran out of the kitchen, many ppl can't bear the sight of blood flowing out of the skin. To have a passed out girl on the floor with me pressing the wound with the free hand next to her was not an ideal happy scenario.
It basically cut out a little skin cap off my indicator knuckle. The soon-to-be-doc in the house helped out quickly, we desinfected and patched the wound just in time for me to feel dizzy. I did not lose that much blood, my body (brain?) was just in shock... but I am not sure what from as the skin patch is still there, it just bled a lot, still not enough for me to feel like that.
So yeah, the next day, I was restricted (by everybody except me) to press the UP and DOWN button of the truck's hidraulic platform, carry light stuff or do nothing at all.
Not that I did not want to do anything! Just that when I closed my indicator finger, the wound would open and bleed some more.

NOTE: I did not know I could write so much about 1 single injury.

The party was cool (I gotta show the pictures)! Out of nothing, a whole set and dance-floor was created. Music was thumping, drinks were freshly kept in the Esky, the day was slowly cooling off. People started showing up and after a while so did the cops! Everybody was afraid that the party would be ordered to be shut down. The main reason was the risk of a bush fire. But all was good, the organization was prepared and showed that people were given cigarette butt holders among other fire prevention and extinguishing equipment.

I am not a fan. I like music and almost anything with a beat makes me move, so yeah, it was fun! I dared to say it was techno music... but it was psytrance or psychedelic trance:P Whatever, it had to start somewhere and it was back then with Techno... in Germany:)
I made a time-lapse movie (thank you dear IXUS 70) of part of the scenario build-up which I hope they will post on youtube.

We got back to Perth with a guy H knew from another doof, a very cool dude, just in time to take a ferry to Rottnest island.

Right now, I am walking around with a bandage on my knuckle, but the worst is over. I don't need stitches. Had I needed, the doctor would have had to open the wound and clean it up again because I showed up three nights after the fight-with-a-broken-glass incident. Lucky me:)

The last nights we went out, while telling the story of the event, I got to imagine and learn some more colourful variations of it. I either had a fight with a big dude and while punching him in the face, I cut my finger on his eye-brow piercing, or... I setup a great dinner for this fabulous woman and while washing a wine glass, the issue happened...

We're in Melbourne now. It just started, we have a whole week ahead of us and I will still post some pics.



Grumpy Dwarf said...

Só para avisar que tenho estado a ler o que tens andado para aqui a escrever! ;)
