Jan 17, 2008

before posting further

I would like to take a moment and thank my parents.

Chance wanted that they'd pick a name for me that would be so uncommon in the general population, mainly the portuguese one. There are much worse names, thank god I did not get one of those that would get me beaten up at school every day. But it still is uncommon and is normally shortened (like I do) to keep it simple.
So, if it wasn't for my parents, I would not be called what I am.
In its turn, if it would not be for Bron's nickname to be Norb, I wonder if we would ever get in touch like we did in Munich.
If it wasn't for her, I would not have the motivation to fly over to Aus and the impulse to accept her invitation so easily.

The real origin of the name does not matter at all. It splits up in two parts:
- Nor = he/it came from the north
- bert = shining man/thing
It can then be translated to "the shining man that came from the north" or even Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). As I said it does not matter at all, it's just a curious and useless piece of extra information.

What matters is that I have the belief that my life would not be what it is if I was called something else. I am not curious about the "what if?", I am just happy about how it is right now.

So here a word of appreciation.

Thank you mom and dad!


PS: Would I be english, I would like to be called Steve. It's easy and works so good when ordering a coffee at Starbucks:)