Aug 14, 2008

Picasa is getting a run for its money

Install, Try, Keep or Dump.
That's the summary of what trying out software looks like.

Vista has its own Photo Gallery but I took on to try Live Photo Gallery which has some more extra feats, like photo stitching.
Now, isn't the posted picture just a treat? It's at the small Feringa lake "just" 40-60 mins by bike form my place. I used the stitching aid feature from my IXUS 70 and stitched it all together with a couple of mouse clicks in LPG.

Ever since I started seeing how much greener the grass was on the other side of Picasa, I have been finding it easier to do the easy stuff (with LPG):
  • import pictures from the memory cards (LivePG kicks serious ass here)
  • rotate/improve some of them
  • crop/resize for misc usage

Let's just say that I feel more and more a Mac user, getting that daily document/picture/music/video handling stuff sorted out quickly and without any (ie. much) hassle.

The only missing feature, uploading pictures to PicasaWeb.
The cool extra feature, uploading pictures to Flickr.


P.S.: been using ScribeFire to write the latest posts, still some bugs, but it's perfectly usable
P.P.S.: there's a new kid on the block, Pictomio (the name reminds me of the charming germano-italian insult "lecko mio"...)