Aug 8, 2008

Building myself a tunnel and doing some "hash" on the side

Deploying OpenVPN (or another home VPN Server) is my new tech project. This old laptop lying around looks like the perfect host candidate (might as well do something more useful with it than just a book holder)

First step, get myself a linux distro (or just install XP). A quick search on to find myself a Distro and here we go... (more about this in a couple of months...)

I am downloading a couple of ISO's within FF3, it allows to pause and resume downloads even between reboots. After pausing and resuming the download so many times, I am not sure the file is integer anymore. So, let's compare hashes.

I could not find any tool integrated into Vista to check for hashes, so after another search, here is a gem I need to recommend: Hashtab

  • Install it.
  • Integrate it into the shell
  • right click on a file
  • on the checksum tab, let it compute the hash
  • in the meantime go get the SHA-1 or MD5 supplied by the source and when done, paste it into the underlying field
  • click compare, voilá!

A little article about it on MyDigitalLifeStyle - link

The links:

A brilliant tool! (for whoever's concerned about file checksum check, about 1% of the active internet population)
