Dec 22, 2008

the good old times

Whatever happens, the past will always be the good old times.

I had a Lisbon flashback recently. Monday morning at work, I checked a personal mailbox and spotted a mail from the 59:1 indie club, a concert was coming up and they were giving some tickets away.

Alright, let’s reply and hope to win tickets for the concert of a totally unknown band from Canada, Attack in Black. The next day, the day of the concert, bing… “you got mail”… and 2 tickets for the gig. Next step, find someone to go with. That sorted itself out pretty fast and I ended up having a real cool evening with Manu.

Back when I was living in Lisbon, we used to win heaps of free tickets for ballet, theatre, movies and concerts – I could have won even more if I’d really put myself into it.

I so missed this. The occasional happy oportunity to go to a concert for free with a friend. I wish there were more such opportunities for that in Munich, I’ll keep my ears and eyes open.

Oh, the concert? It was fun. The band ran out of songs and started doing some covers. They were funny and entertaining. The bass player so reminded me of Jeanne, a fab CSer I had the pleasure to meet this year, which by itself is another situation I will add to my next “good old times”.

